Sector Skill Unit for the Manufacturing Sector
Sector Benefits
● Develop logical plans for the sector.
● Create the required infrastructure for training.
● Developing human resources in the sector.
● Create the required infrastructure for training.
● Developing human resources in the sector.
● HR training and development.
● Improve recruitment and testing mechanisms.
● Create individual performance assessment systems.
● Improve recruitment and testing mechanisms.
● Create individual performance assessment systems.
Sector Skill Unit for the Manufacturing Sector
Importance of working with the sectors
(benefits to the economy)
Develop a dynamic analytical system to explore the needs and requirements of the labor market and predict skill needs.
Develop tools that assist in the process of RPL and certification of the current workforce.
Create an interactive system for the development of human resources in the Sultanate of Oman, based on competencies-based skills and capabilities.
Support the vocational and technical education system.
Improve the production quality and upgrade the level of services in a way that contributes to the growth of the economy.
Sector Skill Unit for the Manufacturing Sector
Main Stakeholders
- Ministry of Labor.
- Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation.
- Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion.
- Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises.
- Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ).
- Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (Madayn).
- Private training institutions.
- Industrial sector facilities.