Industry Industry


Sector Skill Unit for the Manufacturing Sector

Building a more competitive manufacture sectors.

It is an entity that includes stakeholders in the industrial sector. The unit is licensed by the Ministry of Labor under the number (MOL-SSU-05-01) to carry out the process of building or developing national occupational standards and related products, contribute  to the quality and competitiveness of vocational, technical and professional education and training indicators, and achieve the development requirements through conducting studies, research, market surveys and skills gap analysis, and publishing Labor market reports for the industrial sector, in coordination with the competent authorities.

Strengthening society

Driving the economy

Certify Your Skills, Certify Your Success


Building a more competitive
manufacture sectors.

Unit Objectives

1. Contribute to building or developing a knowledge system of skills, competencies for continuous learning and development, and performance indicators in the industrial sector.
2. Upgrade the skills level of the workforce to improve the Omani economy and further develop competencies in the sector.


Building a more competitive manufacture sectors.

Unit Main Services


Determine the needs

Determine the needs of the sector of skills to be developed, including preparing a list of skills and their range (providing quantitative and qualitative data for human resources requirements).

Develop the national

Develop the national standards packages that consist of national occupational standards, qualifications, and curriculum structure.

Develop and implement

Develop and implement skills certification schemes according to the packages of national occupational standards.

Participate in setting

Participate in setting training and assessment standards according to the national professional standards packages, in coordination with the Directorate General of Private Training Institutions.

Participate in the development

Participate in the development of quality assurance frameworks in accordance with the national professional standards packages for evaluating vocational programs in coordination with the Directorate General of Private Training Institutions.

Contact to Expertise in the manufacturing industry


Building a more competitive manufacture sectors.

Unit tasks and roles

Support the economic sectors.
Prepare or develop national occupational standards packages.
Conduct studies and research for the Omani labor market.
Encourage business and companies to develop skills.
Participate in developing the structure of training programs and educational curricula in coordination with the competent authorities.
Issue certificates of professional competence.


Competitive manufacture sectors.

Unit Responsibilities

● Obtain feedback from the sector to ensure interest in the Sector Skills Unit approach.
● Gain support and commitment from key stakeholders.
● Create a stakeholder committee to define the mission and scope of the Sector Skills Unit.
● Gain consensus on common HR issues facing the sector.

2.1 Research and development:
● Determine the sector skills development needs through the development and maintenance of the occupational map and labor market information analysis “LMIA” for the sector (providing quantitative and qualitative data of human resource requirements).
● Develop National Occupational Standards (NOS) packages, including qualifications and curriculum structure.
● Support the development of both short and long term vocational training programs with reference to the NOS packages, in coordination with the training providers.

2.2 Quality assurance for better training:
● Develop and implement skills accreditation plans (according to NOS packages) for the sector, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Training, Ministry of Labour.
● Develop guidelines for in-service programs, skills grading and Recognition Prior Learning programmes “RPL “, in coordination with the Directorate General of Training, Ministry of Labour and the training providers.
● Set standards for implementing the training of trainers / teachers and assessors according to the national professional standards packages, in partnership with the competent authorities.
● Develop quality assurance frameworks (according to NOS packages) for evaluating vocational programmes.
Our Services
Determine the needs
Develop the national standards
Develop and implement
Participate in setting training
Participate in the development